Our parrot-park

By now we give more then 20 parrots a home
A pair of each kind or even more.
Including the following kind:
- 2 Blue and Gold Macaw
- 2 Cockatoo
- 2 Eclectus
- 2 African Grey Parrot
- 3 Rainbow Lorys
- 6 Jendays
- 4 Sun Corneos
- 1Peacock
We do everything to make the parrots feel comfortable. We provide different sizes of aviaries and have an own kitchen in order to prepare the food (Vegetables, fruits, fruit juice, nuts and kernels etc.)
The parrots are brave and quiet during the night, but in the morning and around sunset they let all hell loose. :)
So, if you are looking for an absolutely quiet place and don't like animals then you are out of place at our property.
All others will have lots of fun with our tame parrots. Some of them can even speak some phrases.
All things considered you can say that our area is almost a little tropical paradise, a swimming pool surrounded by beautiful plants, coconut palms and colorful parrots.